I want to start with a quote by Margaret Meade: “Neverdoubt that a small group of committed thoughtful people can change the world- Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has. “In 2002 a small group of visionary leaders came together to form this organization and I am humbled to be elected as the 11th president of this organization standing strong for the last 20 years. I take this opportunity to thank all the past presidents who have led this organization through this fast pace changing health care.
I want to say my story:
I was the first person from my small hometown to go for nursing. It was a talk of the town as nursing was for kids who didn’t do well in school. I graduated from SNDT women’s university. I was not sure what to do as a new graduate. I tried pediatric nursing as I liked children. As soon as started seeing the sick kids and the kids dying in front of me it was a huge trauma, and I was unable to recuperate from one shift to the next shift. I joined as a clinical instructor for in a small hospital and started accompanying 2nd year nursing students. That job also didn’t last long as it was not meeting my financial needs at that time. So, I decided to sign up a contract with Ministry of Health in Bahrain as psychiatric nurse and served the ministry of health for 6 years. It was an unforgettable experience. In 1999 came to US on a job based permanent resident visa and I started as RN in Long Term Acute Care unit. I have worked in different areas of nursing. Mental health, Medsurg, Critical Care, Home health, Hospice and now in health care quality. Currently I work as Risk Manager. The climax of this story is the first meeting I attended with the then visionary leaders of INAI. It gave me a different perspective as a foreign graduate to pursue my career in Nursing and today I am standing before you as the 11th president of this organization. I learned on that day nurses cannot be taken for granted, we have a voice, people listen when nurses advocate. There is value in showing up for each other with compassion and grace and when we do that it gives us moments of joy and strength. We Indian Nurses are resilient. We want our next generation to continue to tell the stories. And what we as an organization do will become their stories.
First of all, I want to thank God for this opportunity to serve this organization as the President. I want to thank the executive board and the committee chairs for jumping in the wagon with me for this journey for two years. I thank my husband and children who has always been my support and strength. I want to thank every member of this organization for trusting me to lead for the next two years.
INAI is supported by four pillars as you listened to the annual report during the general body. Educational and professional development, Advocacy, membership and charity.
During the next two years the number one goal for me is to increase the membership to this organization.
As many of you all know as you become a member of INAI you automatically become the member of NAINA. NAINA is part of the coalition of minority organizations. We must be the voice in advocating for health care policy reforms and changes. Membership is the strength of every organization.
There are several advantages and please join if you are not a member yet.
It’s our common goal to work on Increase membership, conduct listening sessions for the members, create a space for the members to belong, coach and mentor for career growth through professional networking.
We will continue to organize activities under professional development and education and Community outreach.
My Presidential theme is “Let’s work together.” Collaboration is at the heart of health care now. We must work together to make the nursing profession strong. We want to work and share our goal to strive for a sustainable future for nursing and healthcare. I strongly believe that we have important work to do, and I am committed to do my best. It’s not somebody else’s’ job or responsibility it’s our responsibility and job. The most important title for this organization is “Nurse” and not the President. That is each one of you.
Let’s work together for the next two years.
Rani Kappen
President, 2023-2024